Call for Works-in-Progress
Works-in-progress (WiPs) submissions should describe original work that is too preliminary to warrant a technical publication submission, but merits dissemination and can generate discussion and collaboration.
Accepted submissions will be presented as a poster at the conference. A significant benefit of a Work-in-Progress comes from the discussion between the authors and conference attendees; therefore at least one author of a Works-in-Progress submission must register to attend the conference.
Submission Guidelines
WiP submissions should be 1 page (including references), and should follow the SIGGRAPH template; papers should not be anonymised. Papers must be submitted via email by 23rd April 7th May 2017.
Selection Process
All submissions will be rapid-reviewed by members of the international programme committee. WiP papers will be included on the conference USB, mentioned in the program booklet, and listed on the conference website.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 23rd April 7th May 2017
Notification Date: 28th April 10th May 2017
Camera-Ready paper due: 5th 15th May 2017